Balance Your

Hormones Naturally!

This course is everything I wish I had when I first started my hormone health journey.

If you keep asking yourself

What should I be eating for my hormones?

Why do I have such horrible PMS?

Why do I only feel good the week after my period?

What supplements should I be taking?

Why can't I lose weight even though I'm eating healthy & working out?

This program is for you.

I've spent the last 12+ months talking to hundreds of women to find out what our most common hormone challenges are and have outlined EXACTLY what you need to do to solve them for your own body.

You will have ZERO excuses to start taking steps to balance your hormones & reduce those frustrating PMS symptoms.

Did I also mention there will be a peer led community you will get access to for questions and accountability?!

My goal with this course is to not only teach you how to balance your hormones to feel comfortable in your own body again, but also to teach you how to be CONSISTENT with sticking to hormone healthy habits.

During These Next 8 Weeks You'll Learn:

  • How to reduce your PMS symptoms naturally & what steps to take to get there
  • How to optimize your nutrition for hormone balance
  • How to reduce stress in your body through routine management and mindfulness practices
  • How to sync your cycle with your nutrition & exercise in order to reduce PMS symptoms
  • WHY you feel certain hormone imbalance symptoms & ways to remedy them
  • How to increase energy levels naturally & improve sleep



  • 8 Weeks to Hormone Balance is available immediately for you to watch once you enroll! You will have weekly homework for you to follow through with so you can actually start to feel changes in your body and your cycle
  • The course includes 8 weeks of self-guided modules that you can do on your own time
  • You will walk away from this course knowing EXACTLY how to balance your hormones & with new habits in place! 🎉

Curriculum Preview

  Week 1 - Introduction
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 2 - Hormone Health 101
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 3 - How Nutrition Movement & Stress Impact Our Hormones
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 4 - Understanding Your Menstrual Cycle
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 5 - Habit Development & Follicular Phase Deep Dive
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 6 - Ovulation Phase & Birth Control
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 7 - Luteal, Menstruation & Gut Health
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 8 - Final Week! Celebrating Wins & Hormone Health Recap
Available in days
days after you enroll